We have compiled a list of table prices from Calligaris, Resource Furniture and Expand Furniture. All three separate competing companies offer multifunctional space saving furniture. While multi-functional table options are available from the three companies pricing appears to vary widely and some prices are not listed online or very difficult to find. Expand Furniture lists all of their prices proudly online as they have some of the most competitive prices in North America for Smart Furniture. Calligaris generally seems to list prices at select stores and cities, for example their Toronto store has its prices openly listed on their company website. Resource Furniture appears to prefer to not list their prices online, but will give out prices once you have had a demonstration in store or at trade shows.
Here are some rough estimates on prices from 3 different companies. Links are provided where we could find them to products. Please note prices might be outdated so use this as a starting point only.
Comparable Dining Tables
Calligaris Sigma Console (90) starting at $2,589
Resource Furniture Goliath Starting at Approximately $5000 +
Expand Furniture Expanda Console $1995
Expand Furniture Console to Table $599
Calligaris Option Console $1,353
Resource Furniture Cristallo Approximately $3,500
Passo & Magnum also approximately $3,500
Expand Furniture Glass Box Coffee Table $1,995
Expand Furniture Obsidian – Small Table Glass Lift $1,595
Calligaris Magic-J Glass $1,812
Calligaris Flexy $1,572
Resource Mondial table $?
Expand Furniture Expand Table $1,599
Calligaris Magic-J Wood $2,202
Expand Furniture Extending Glass Table $1,299
Expand Furniture Chord – Round Lift Coffee Table $1,495
Resource Furniture Globe – Unknown
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2050 Scotia St #108
Vancouver, BC V5T-4T1, Canada
Office: 778-580-7818
Email: contact@ExpandFurniture.com
Website: http://ExpandFurniture.com
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